Tuesday, September 24, 2024

My Body Created to Look the Greatest Anywhere

  -in 1984 I came home from High School

-I had just bought Green Lantern 173

-a new direction. He had just returned from a year exiled in space


-I really got in to. It came off with a light tone

-it was my favorite comic I had seen

-and I got my first real look at the villain MONITOR

-in a Death Star style satellite with his identity disguised. He had a Monitor screen he could put on people

-I had once before caught a brief glimpse of him in an Australian reprint of his first appearance in New Teen Titans. But it hadn't registered with me

-like I thought it was the greatest comic I had seen. Of the Monitor. Who could put his screen on anyone

-maybe my body was set up. With the many features or faults. Coming together to really mean the greatest body design possible

-like I thought it was about the GREATEST COMIC I had seen

-in one version of me I might have been Beast Boy when he was very young. He would keep telling jokes. Like in Revelations the multi-animal body part of the BEAST. The Beast too. That creature might mean I have the greatest body

-he and the Doom Patrol first appeared in My GREATEST Adventure

-he could become different animal bodies. Maybe some how in him becoming me on our planet. My body was shaped to be the greatest looking body. Maybe anywhere. Maybe even in the history of space

-that day I bought the Green Lantern comic. When I got home I fell down on my bed wet from rain and looked through it

-I once saw a slide of me aged 1 or 2 standing showing me in full naked. In my grandparents' garden at MAXWELL Drive. A slide like the Monitor's screen


The Secret of my Success

 -I am out of any ever marriage or partnership

-my maybe in one version of me Beast Boy's adopted mother Rita Farr / Elasti-Girl

-in the Doom Patrol TV series. Instead of just being an outcast maybe unable to stop growing

-she would keep devolving in to large red like blobs

-that she would have to struggle hard to pull herself together

-the pinkish lump on my left thigh

-whatever the TV makers' reasons were

-my magic I generate with not planning actually some of it

-I willed the pink lump to effect any partner I have to have this happen to them

-and it will happen often

-and it will be set up so she has to go out constantly living the life of Royalty

-and the Days of our Lives logo hourglass looks like an upper and lower lump from my thigh

Who Shot the Crewes?

  -I think my grandfather George Ager

-might have murdered New Zealand couple Harvey and Jeannette Crewe in 1970

-still New Zealand's biggest murder mystery

-and he was helped by my grandmother May Ager

-a present my mother Christine Ager gave me when I was young. A Toy Camera Disney View Finder or Master. With an old style turning handle on the side to move the cartoon tapes

-I got two tapes with it

-Mickey's Trailer- about Mickey Mouse and friends in a runaway Caravan

-101 Dalmatians- with some sort of distorted film stock. Maybe the last shot like in front of black a white gravestone with the initials 'AM' on it

-I once saw an old slide of me aged about 2 from maybe 1970 the year the Crewes were murdered. I was shown in full standing naked in my grandparents' garden at Maxwell Drive

-the Crewes and me might be connected to super-heroes Doom Patrol and Beast Boy


-MAX  well Drive

-SLIDE of me naked

-View Finder CAMERA

-GRAVESTONE at the end of the tape

-AM on it - like the members of Doom Patrol in reverse lives once on Earth as the Crewes

-Gravestone at the end of the 101 Dalmatians tape

-like there are Graves on the cover of the last real issue of the Doom Patrol's comic series

-my grandfather George Ager might have killed the Crewes. Concealed and aided by his wife May Ager

-I had a slide of me standing NAKED at probably MAX well Drive. About 1970 when I was 2. I was shown in full naked in the slide

-the three main Doom Patrol members

-all with LARGER proportions to them. As in MAX well Drive

-Elasti-Girl- she grew in size. In comics she married sort of member Mento and they adopted. Beast Boy who might have been me in a way

-Negative Man- his whole body was always wrapped in bandages

-Robotman- his brain always in a type of robot's shell

-maybe my grandfather found out I was really the son of Harvey and Jeannette Crewe. Who were once Elasti-Girl and Mento. And so my grandfather killed them

-my SCREW was showing in the slide of my grandparents. Like my grandfather might have murdered the CREWES 

-the slide of me taken about 1970 the year the Crewes were murdered. I was standing naked shown fully in the slide. My 'screw' was showing. Someone set it up the SCREW SHOT to show the CREWES SHOT


Final Fate of the Doom Patrol

  -I had ideas my adopted parents in another version of me

-as Gar Logan / Beast Boy when we were very young

-he was a member of the DC Comics 1960s super-heroes team the Doom Patrol

-in their last issue a lot of the team is killed 

-Beast Boy survives

-the two members Rita Farr / Elasti-Girl and Steve Dayton / Mento

-look like the murdered New Zealand couple Harvey and Jeannette Crewe. Murdered in 1970 and still New Zealand's biggest murder mystery

-so maybe a few of the Doom Patrol came over to this world

-when I was young I asked my grandfather to make my Winnie the Pooh paperback in to a hardcover

-he put card in to the covers' sleeves

-HARVEY CREWE like making the book a HARD COVER

-maybe someone set this up to show my grandfather killed them. And my grandmother helped cover it up

-another time when I was young. My grandfather said If you want you can sit outside on my grandparents' upstairs bedroom balcony and see the view. The door was usually locked

-I didn't want to

-maybe someone setting it up like saying my grandfather caught or found out about my grandmother having sex with Harvey Crewe

-like seeing them in a bedroom

-HARVEY CREWE- like maybe this confirms my list of children I have or the affairs I have had


-in the early 1990s I watched a nightly US news program HARD COPY / HARVEY CREWE

-the Presenter once read the item

-actor Andrew Shue's wife Elizabeth Shue has left him for actor Val Kilmer

-Andrew and Elizabeth are brother and sister and both actors. So the item wasn't real

-like saying some of the members of Doom Patrol came to our planet

-or my grandmother had sex with Harvey CREWE / SCREW

-earlier today I saw on an Online site. A Trade Book of Doom Patrol stories. From a lot more recent years. And the designs of the team more like the original 1960s team. Not the weird and partly twisted versions the team in comics has now. I hadn't seen the version I saw in the book today 

Devon Mall

   -once downtown Tauranga there was the DEVON MALL attached to Farmers

-DEVON like I might have the same personality as DAVID


-about 1982 I bought a TRACKER / Shepherd top from there. That looked like a few of the original members' costumes. And always like the costume of Beast Boy. Even if who made the Tracker top based the design and name on the Doom Patrol

-FARMERS as in David the SHEPHERD

-I bought my first ever DC Comic from there. An Australian Planet Comics reprints of their stories

-the first two stories' villains. The MATTER MASTER and the EQUALIZER

-maybe saying I have both the same personality and appearance as David

-the Devon Mall had a roof on it shaped a bit like a Pyramid. David's Crown on his head

-I am REPLICAS of David

-he might not ever been real like the history of Christianity

-Beast Boy could become animal FORMS. In the Matter Master story the villain turns the Justice League in to animals. In the Equalizer story Hawkman's planet has become all same sexed

-the Super Adventure Album 3 comic was sold on the base floor of Farmers. On a strange stand. Wide long plank like boards. On wooden Pyramid shaped legs


-the TRACKERS top I bought there REPLICAS. It might have been based on the Doom Patrol but it doesn't matter it still could be part of the cause

My Body Created to Look the Greatest Anywhere

    -in 1984 I came home from High School -I had just bought Green Lantern 173 -a new direction. He had just returned from a year exiled in ...